The site is located within Manchester Science Park and is bound to the North by the McDougall Centre and Greenheys Lane to the West.

The recently completed Base building is located to the South with Pencroft Way to the East. The site is well-connected to a range of sustainable transport modes, including Metrolink, bus network, cycle routes and pedestrian walkways.

MSP is a key regeneration location within the city, focused on commercial development specifically to support the growth of Manchester and the region’s science and technology sector. We have significantly invested in MSP over the past 11 years to not only enhance the quality of workspace and the facilities available, but to also improve the local environment and better connect the campus with the surrounding area.


An Evolving Masterplan

The MSP SRF 2018 covers all of Manchester Science Park and can be viewed by following this link.

The SRF has recently been updated in respect of the Greenheys site and consultation on the draft document concluded in February 2023. Once endorsed, the refreshed SRF will be a key consideration for future proposals the come forward at the site.

As part of the on-going evolution of the wider masterplan, Bruntwood is also seeking a separate planning permission for a partial change of use within the completed Base building that will enable occupation of two floors by a higher education institution. The application has recently been submitted to the Local Planning Authority and details are available on Manchester City Council’s planning portal.

Project Context


Project boundary
SRF boundary
Greenheys project boundary
(denoted by red line)
Manchester Science Park
(denoted by green line)
BASE Building
Bright Building
McDougall Centre
Hulme residential area